Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Chaos Manager

My Hard Drives are Filling Up
Chaos Manager:

'via Blog this'

I have begun to tackle a huge, looming, intimidating problem.  Taming the chaos in my computer files on both the netbook drive and the external drive that was once my laptop drive.  The old laptop drive will provide me with 37G of backup space once I get the stuff off of it that I want to salvage and reformat it.

I began that task today and while I was wading through the files on the ex-laptop drive I came across my Chaos Manager 2 program and files.  I was once so dependent on this I don't know what took me so long to get it figured out if/ho wot use it on the netbook and if/how to have all the data transferred from the laptop drive to the netbook drive in usable format.

I figured it out. And am so pleased with that development I'm not too disappointed that I made so little progress wading through the files deleting only 1G and salvaging three applications, a dozen or so files and several zip folders that were Ed's that can now be transferred to his laptop.

Below are a few screenshots of Chaos Manager.  It is freeware and so simple to use.  Will run on a thumb.  Can synch between computers (that's new with the update I just downloaded) it also has a pocket pc version.  It has a nice calender and calculator which I have really missed.
Chaos Manager 2 Calender
But what I missed the most was the quick way to drop links and short snippets of text I find while browsing--yes, WhizFolders does this too but Chaos Manager has a much smaller footprint and its quicker.  I used to put stuff in Chaos for later trasfer to Whiz when I had time to give thought to the best Whiz folder and topic for it.  I would also use the  notebook for pasting stuff I wished to rid of incompatible formatting so I could take the plain text into whatever text editing platform without having to clean up a mess.
Chaos Manager 2 Notebook with RTF
One of the great things about the notebook is that it automatically recognizes links and makes them active.  I used to use it for that a lot before I had Whiz and I still haven't rescued some of those links off Chaos and put them in my Whiz Web Map.

I also use the notebook for HTML tip sheets and I'm pleased to find those again.  I was having vague memories of having those code snippets available for quick copy/paste but could not place where.  That's probably because I have more in Word or Notepad text files on the laptop drive.

Chaos Manager 2 Transparent

Chaos Manager 2 has a setting that makes it go trasparent when not the focus.  It also comes packaged with skins so you can have your favorite color scheme.

I highly recommend this freeware ap.  I have loved it since 2004.  Before my laptop BTW.  I just remembered I had to go through transferring it from the PC to my new laptop in late 2005.  How did that slip my mind?  That would have alleviated the anxiety over getting it all transferred to the netbook and I'd probably have got it done the same time I transferred my other priority files.

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