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Joystory is:

  • my musing on encounters with story--reading, watching, listening, writing
  • reviews of books, movies, TV shows, music
  • my original poetry & outtakes from my fiction WIP & occasionally full short stories in installments
  • (soon) my adventures in self-publishing
  • my adventures (including many pics) with fiber arts--crochet, embroidery, needlepoint, cross stitch...
  • LOLcats--most I've captioned but some I found and just had to share--I'm seriously addicted
  • Sunday Serenity--my weekly Sunday post on things that give me joy, peace, contentment, exhilaration or laughter
  • Quotes that mean something to me
  • occasional peeks into my personal life--memories of a childhood centered around a fundamentalist sect which continues to color my world in spite of my having come out of it; living with RP aka retinitis pigmentosa aka tunnel vision, mood disorders, insomnia; the two or more times per year I pack a van full of stuff to travel north 500 miles from Phoenix OR to Longview WA to help my younger sister for weeks at a time care for our aging mother who has the same eye disease and in 2008 suffered a broken hip and stroke with aphasia; and our (Ed & I & our furbaby Merlin) recent move into our own home after living with his folks since the summer of 2001

We moved in December 26 2011
Mom and I Summer of 1996
Thanks to the RP we acquired black eyes the same week
I knocked into a telephone pole walking home from the fireworks at the lake
 while listening to Ed and our niece exchange knock-knock jokes
Mom bent down to kiss her grandson goodnight and smacked her desk instead

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Once Upon a Time





70 Days of Sweat

Yes, master.

Epic Kindle Giveaway Jan 11-13 2012

I Melted the Internet

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