Library Loot: October 6 to 12
Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Claire from The Captive Reader and Marg from The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate, just write up your post-feel free to steal the button-and link it using the Mr. Linky any time during the week. And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries!
Marg has Mr Linky this week.
I'm going to be very lazy with this post as the read-a-thon is only hours away and I still have so much I'd like to do beforehand. Including maybe getting some more sleep? With my husband on swing shift my hours have shifted to where I'm laying down between 8 and 10 AM so it is going to be hard to shift to waking up before 5AM with enough sleep garnered to see me through a full 24 hours. To make it even harder I had a doctor appointment this afternoon and so lay down at 5am to wake at noon to get ready. I'm hoping to lay down again within an hour or two and sleep until Ed gets home between 10PM and midnight and then aim to stay awake for the next 29 hours. Maybe starting the read-a-thon with 5 hours of awakeness behind me will even be a blessing as I do not transition from sleep to alert quickly. It can take over four hours.
So, anyway. That's why I'm going to display my library loot via a couple of pictures and screenshots with possibly a brief comment or two.This is a picture of the stack of books Ed brought home from the library on Thursday. They were all for me. Even the two on his card.
I didn't intend for all of these to come in at once. When I went on my ordering spree on the online catalog a couple weeks ago I intended to go into my account after and dole them out over a couple months at 3-5 every other week.
I forgot.
Oh well. More fodder for the read-a-thon. Especially the shorter NF which sit atop the four novels.To see the titles you can't make out in the photo, I've taken screenshots of the list on my account page.
The fiction are either the titles I've seen in online reviews or something by the same author.
The NF are in three categories: titles that fulfill one or more of the reading challenges I'm in; titles related to research for my potential NaNo novel; and titles relating to writing fiction and/or research also in honor of NaNoI had tapped out my requests so when I just had to send for somethings about Frida Kahlo after watching the movie on Netflix streaming the other night I tapped into Ed's card. There were seven or more things I wanted to send for but since it was Ed's card and I knew I was about to be flooded with eleven or more items this week, I limited myself to two. One a novel in which Kahlo is featured and the other featuring pictures of her paintings with commentary on them and her life story.
This is a picture of the shelf containing most of the previously checked out books. It was the only shelf in the room I was able to empty of other books and things after my return from Longview in August and finishing the unpacking the first week of September.
On the far left you can see a piece of the stack featured in the first pic above. It sits on a board that was set between the stacked bookshelves to form a ledge for Merlin to sit and look out the window.
My pillow is right under that ledge and at least twice Merlin has knocked books I've left there off while I was sleeping. Once it was a stack similar to this one. So it was risky leaving them there last night. I need to find another option to see me through the weekend after which I'm probably going to send back the majority of the novels to send for them again at a more reasonable pace. My fall fiction binge is coming to an end as I gear up to prep for NaNo as soon as I recover from the thon next week.
I stopped in the midst of preparing this post to get that long nap before Ed got home from work. Now there is just three hours before it starts. I'm dithering as to whether to spend it reading or to watch a movie and/or TV episodes on Netflix.
First I need to prep my Read-a-Thon post which as usual will be organized like a blog within a blog with new updates to my status stacked atop the previous.
2 tell me a story:
Wow, that's a lot of library loot! I am pleased to see Roses in amongst your piles! I liked that book when I read it earlier this year.
Enjoy your loot!
Yay, I'm glad that I'm not the only one that has a ton of books checked out from the library ;) Seriously, it looks like you found some good reads so enjoy!
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