Library Loot: October 27 to November 2
Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Claire from The Captive Reader and Marg from The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate, just write up your post-feel free to steal the button-and link it using the Mr. Linky any time during the week. And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries!
Claire has Mr Linky this week
These are the items we brought home from the library in the last week:
Slumdog Millionaire 1 videodisc (120 min.) watched with Ed last weekend. My first time, his second.
The Sopranos. The complete third season [videorecording (DVD)] 4 videodiscs (ca. 780 min.) will be watching these over the weekend while Ed is using bandwidth for his gaming preventing me from watching streaming vids on Netflix. (also have three DVD from Netflix on the way!)
Duplicity [videorecording (DVD)] 1 videodisc (125 min.) will be watching this over the weekend with Ed I hope but will watch it regardless if I can tear him away from his game for it.
I got interrupted by my husband's arrival home from swing shift and had to break for dinner and clearing off the bed for him. Now it has taken me so long to gather and upload the book covers that I'm going to limit myself to one brief comment for each.A coffee table book featuring the art of Frieda Kahlo with critiscism
Am learning to braid to add to my bookmark making repertoire. Friendship band techniques lend well to bookmark concepts.
More ideas for the bookmarks.
Seeing Myla Goldberg's newest novel being discussed in the blogosphere prompted me to get in queue at the library for it and reminded me that i hadn't finished Wickett's Remedy when I had it chadcked out several years ago.Ever since I watched the HBO biopic of Temple Grandin I'be been obsessed with reading her books. It is also research for a character in one of my stories suffering with something on the autism spectrum.
The day I watched the movie based on The Freedom Writer's Diary I ordered the book from the library and while on the site found this memoir by the teacher and ordered it as well.Relates to my interest in comparative culture and religion.
Been seeing some great reviews of this for quite some time now so it was about time to put in my request.
This will be a reread. I ordered it to help with my NaNoWriMo novel pep weeks ago but am just now getting it. NaNo stars Sunday night at midnight!
Just saw the movie a couple weeks ago and now want to read the book.
Ordered this during Banned Books Week and am just now getting it.
After watching the movie Bliss I went looking for more stories set in Turkey or by Turkish authors.
My sister-friend Jamie was reading this a few weeks back and was telling me about it, predicting I would love it.
1 tell me a story:
Great loot! The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society is a nice read and I don't think I've ever seen that cover before.
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