Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sunday Serenity #279 Laughter

cat barking like a dog

Reminds me a bit of my Gremlyn tho she never did it quite that loud. Her male peacock imitation was better. Tho to my knowledge she never had opportunity to hear a peacock. 

I got a good laugh out of that though and that perked me up.

Had a good day in spite of not sleeping last night. Got some more boxes and bags unpacked or sorted. A bit of light housework done and a shampoo. 

 It was a gloriously sunny day and I'd hoped to go outside to dry my hair but by the time I got out of the shower it was already chilling down outside. 

 Well I'm going to bed now as I can barely focus my eyes. It's either five hours early--or nineteen hours late. 

 I'm hoping to get out of the house tomorrow.  Haven't been further than the porch since i got home two weeks ago. We plan either to go to Walmart or to the library.. Walmart involves a bus ride and a quarter mile walk each way between bus stop and house and bus stop and store. The library would be a mile walk each way walk.  The both sound pretty daunting to me.

I just realized I have to do the 24hr awake thing again next weekend as next Saturday is Dewey's 24hr Read-a-Thon.

1 tell me a story:

Jamie 4/17/2012 12:36 PM  

I just watched this video and I freaked my Nicholas out big time. He was sitting on his perch looking out the window and then he started looking everywhere for where the noise was coming from. So funny.

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