Wednesday, April 04, 2012

My Read-Write-Create-Recreate Room

 AKA Joy's Office.

I posted the pic of the one corner of my new fun room that I had ready for pictures yesterday--the read/write workstation.  Today I have the rest of the room ready for pictures.

Above is one of the bookshelves.   The top shelf is an eclectic mix of books that have special meaning to me so they're up there on display.  Second shelf down is all tradeback fiction and there is a row the same size behind it with a few paperbacks as well.  Third shelf down is half hardback fiction and half tradeback fiction set apart because they belong to my niece.  Forth shelf down i hardback non-fiction.  Bottom shelf is more non-fiction in a mix of sizes and hard/soft backs.  The ones in the boot box are borrowed from my Dad's personal library shortly after he died in 2005.  I haven't claiimed ownership of them as I consider them as belonging to my siblings and their kids as much as me.

To the right of the shelf in front of the window is my mini-tramp.  The desk is to the other side of that.

When I took that picture, I was standing in the corner seen below:

This is my fiber arts wall.  That stack of empty fruit boxes on the right is a temporary sorting station for all the boxes and bags from the December move and the going to/from Mom's afterwards.  So is the tray table with one of the boxes that just came home from Mom's with me on Saturday.

Most of those boxes were full of books.  We moved twelve that size full of books  in December.

The closet behind the little table is full of more stuff to sort including craft supplies, papers and a lot of empty containers nested inside each other intended for organizing and storing the stuff.

Here we are to the right of my desk.  The bottom box contains notebooks, folders and files.  The middle box holds books awaiting reviews.  The bunch on the front left are review copies to be read yet.  Most of them arrived here while I was at Mom's but one arrived today.  The stack on the right mostly belong to my niece.  There is more in behind those--a mix of owned and loaned.

I keep my coats, visor and white cane beside/on the door as the front door of the house is just outside the door to my room.

Here's my desk again.  This time I'm showing it as a reading station with a book on the book easel and my magnifying glass beside it.  Yesterday my netbook was on the book easel with its mouse beside it.  The netbook is now in the slot bellow the white monitor stand that once belonged to my dad's now defunct computer.

The books in the blue crates to the left: top-a mix of spirituality and psychology; bottom-a mix of reference specific to writing.  The shelves in front contain my Britanica Great Books set on the bottom two shelves.  Above them is a mix of soft back non-fic mostly related to spirituality, philosophy and comparative mythology and religion.  On the very top is my World Book Encyclopedia set, a 1999 edition bought from the library in 2005 for $1 per volume.  That is also how I got the Great Book set.

It took me two days and probably a total of over twenty hours to put this room together.  I had it all ready for the pics by 7pm this evening (Wedensday) but was exhausted and could not focus my eyes so I went to bed.  I got up again at 10pm but when I tried to take the pics I got one pic and the camera batteries were dead.  It took me a couple of hours to hunt down some batteries that worked.  I raided remotes and cat toys.  It was a cat toy that finally supplied me with some that worked.  It is now 2:30 am.

This habit of taking upwards of four hours to put together a post has got to be broken.  this is why I seldom have time left for visiting other blogs.  Besides, blogging was supposed to be a side-dish to the entrees of reading, writing, contemplating and creating.

It's OK if occasionally a special post takes extra time to prepare but I must get the average down to under an hour.  Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I could manage this?

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