Moving Books
Today we went back over to my in-laws to continue packing up the room we lived in for the last ten years. The focus today was books. I had estimated 5 to 7 of the apple boxes Ed had brought home from where he works so had unpacked eight of the boxes we brought over on Monday. They were quickly filled up and Ed had to bring back the lids from a few of the boxes still at home on one of his trips over with a dolly load of full boxes. I also had a few boxes left in the room over there and one folded box stored behind the entertainment center that served well once my FIL taped the bottom up for me.
In the end we brought home 11 boxes of books and 6 boxes of misc plus a hanging clothes bag and a few smaller bags and shoe/boot boxes. And 4 book shelves.
Once home I was faced with wiping down a rag dampened by cleaner all of the shelves before moving them in the house. And then shuffling the boxes and shelves around in the room until I had a configuration I could live with at least overnight for once I lost the window light all I have in my office is one desk top Ott lamp.
Now I can barely move after sitting still for five minutes.
I have decided that I want my desk to bisect the room from where the window is on the end wall and have all crafts on the closet side and all reading//writing/computer on the other side. Eventually I want the 'desk' to be a board the size of a door but I will have to wait a few paydays for that.
So for now I put the two desk-height bookshelves in place where they would support that large board and laid a small board--the shelf out of the entertainment center) across them.
We didn't move the entertainment center over yet and it is going in my office too. For more storage for books and crafts. Ed has to take it apart to get it out of the room and put it back together in this room.
If you haven't picked up on it, the bulk of the stuff in that room that was not clothes, bedding or electronics was my books and crafts and writing/office supplies and all of that will be going into my office which is (maybe) a tad bigger than that room--that room shared by two adults and a cat (from 2001 to 2007 it was two cats) which also contained a standard bed.
So, with a good 50% of the volume of stuff in that room now in this room it is no wonder I'm already starting to feel a bit crowded here in my new office--my office that is really an office and not also a bedroom and TV room. But at least I am sitting in an actual office chair and not on the bed and wonder of wonders I can walk out the door two paces behind me into a living room that still has room for a blind lady to dance.