That pic was taken just before they started to unload my Mom's van into Ed's Dad's car at Rice Hill OR yesterday afternoon. Once home I brought in only the essentials for the night.
My day started at 7am. Got breakfast and coffee and woke up enough to help Ed unload the car before he left for work at quarter to eight. We piled the couch with the stuff and I spent the day pulling smaller bags and boxes out of the big bags and finding nooks and crannies to stuff them into in our room. I focused on crafts and 'office' stuff.
I got my 'desk' set up and printer and netbook plugged in and hooked up. My lamp plugged in. My alarm clock plugged in and set. Books shelved.
I still have to bring my clothes into the room. That will be tomorrow's chore and they will have to actually be put away proper or they will be unwearable. Don't want my sister's hard labor on the laundry to go rewarded that way so that will be tomorrow's chore.
Ed doesn't have to work tomorrow so he's taking me to the library to pick up the several books and DVD waiting for me there. And then grocery shopping for some safe snack foods.
I didn't write about it here but the whole time I was at my Mom's I participated in the Jorge Cruise Belly Fat Cure diet they have been on since early spring. I lost twenty pounds and nearly five inches. I hope to not loose that progress and even make more.
I think I'm going to turn in early again tonight. I'm wiped. I may read for a bit first. I started Alice Hoffman's Green Angel while waiting to be called to dinner. It's a re-read but Jamie gave me her copy of it along with its sequel Green Witch to pass onto my niece. I havn't read the sequel yet and want to read it before handing them over to my niece but I decided to re-read the first one first.
I have several dozen of my own un-read novels on the shelves here and no library books yet so I could have started one. I even casually looked over my TBR shelves but I didnt' want to start anything that would take more than a couple of days to read as I have several high demand novels and DVD waiting at the library for me. I apparently advanced to first place in a lot of the queues while my request were deactivated. I'd set them to reactivate on the 22nd as I thought I would be home by then. I had forgotten that and by the time I looked half a dozen or more items were already shipped to me.
So I started the Hoffman YA books. Both just over a hundred pages. I love Alice Hoffman. I feel a need to binge on her stories coming on. I know there are plenty I haven't got to yet.
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