Dreaming of Cool
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Temps are still nudging 100 by late afternoon. But either it was a tad cooler today or I'm starting to acclimate. I found the energy to sew for several hours this afternoon and even went outside and sat on the porch with it after 7pm. I was working on the
The words you see on the bottom were put on then. "Books can take you anywhere!" They are done in back stitch. Each one a different color, which wasn't on the pattern that came with it. The pattern shows them all done in red. There will be three balloons and a book cross stitched in among the words. Each one a different color and I hope a different color from any used in the words. I put on the book today and I made it brown instead of the blue the pattern showed because I was using the thread left over after petite-pointing the teddy bear in the picture at the top.
The picture at the top was painted on and I don't think it was intended to be stitched but I wanted to anyway. It is of a child laying on an open book that is flying in the air. I didn't care for the shade of green they had made the book so I thought it would look better needle pointed in purple. I started working that in the summer of 2005 and got about a quarter of the book covered in purple before the events preceding my Dad's passing that year distracted me. I'd been working on it while sitting with Ed's grandma that summer but when I got back from Longview after my Dad's funeral that November I'd switched my attention to another project.
Last week I finished covering the book in purlple then did the edges of the pages in gold floss with gold metalic thread and put some decorative stitches on the cover in gold metalic as well.
At 8PM I had to quit sewing and switch to reading as the light wasn't right for sewing anymore. Shortly before 9PM there wasn't enough light to read by either so I got on the mini-tramp and ended up spending an hour on a gentle workout, visiting with Ed during part of it. I'd missed getting on it for the last two days.
I also read for several hours earlier today and will be retuning to the books again as soon as this is posted as I've got four library books that must go back by Thursday morning. Also two DVD so I may play a movie if my eyes wear out on the books. I'm not likely to finish any of the books so I've already put my request in for all four of them to come back to me. One of them though, has a queue and I'm forth in line. That is the one I'm spending most of my time with. Jesus, Interrupted: Revealing the Hidden Contradictions in the Bible (and Why We Don't Know About Them) by Bart D. Ehrman. The author is an ex-fundamentalist who is a professor of Religious Studies at Chapel Hill University in N. Carolina. He is a scholar of the Bible in what is know as higher-critisism. I guess it's obvious (if you read my profile) why I'm interested. I may want this one in my personal library someday.
Tomorrow my in-laws will be out of town and I'm taking advantage of that to do our laundry. Then I won't have it do on Saturday when everybody is at the races and I'll be free to do something else.
Thursday I'm planning to go to the library and spend as much of the day as possible in their airconditioning. I went a little nuts ordering books in the last week and may have close to twenty waiting for me by Thrusday. What was I thinking? I don't have room for twenty more books in this room.!!!!
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