Friday Forays In Fiction: Reading about Writing Fiction
Ever since going to John Daniel's reading at the library Monday evening and his memoir writing workshop at the college the following morning my words have been flowing like a river. But none of it is fiction. Blogging, emails, the workshop exercise, notes, journaling. But no work on my fiction WIP.
One thing I can say I did in honor of my fiction writing is checking out two books on the craft while at the library immediately after the workshop.
These are the two:
The Art & Craft of the Short Story
by Rick DeMarinis
and How Fiction Works by James Wood.
I've done little more than browse in them and salivate since bringing them home. And pray they are also in our Southern Oregon Library collection because I can't get everything I need out of them in the four weeks I have left here in Longview.
I know just dropping their cover pics and titles here doesn't make much of a post but I've got little of substance to say about what is between the covers and it occurs to me that I could be using this time to read them!
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