My Inner Tiger is On the Loose
It's five days later than usual but my NaNo novel is taking off. I'm at approximately 22K which means I'll have to maintain a nearly 3K per day pace to win. A bit more challenging than my typical last two weeks of NaNo which has tended to be a 2K to 2.5K per day pace.
I swear, it seems I always turn this into a 50K in two week challenge instead of the 30 days. If only I would start prepping more intensely every October then maybe this breakout would happen in the first week. But the point is that I have another story in process and words I wouldn't have if not for the motivation that NaNo gives me.
Which brings me to another wish: that I would find a way to stay motivated year around and not depend on NaNo--a single 30 to 45 (counting October prep) days of intense focus and then nothing but piddling fiddling for the next ten months. Well except for Script Frenzy in April but I've been treating that more like a tutorial in how to write scripts than as a serious story creating time. I've yet to win Script Frenzy and it doesn't bother me but it would bother me to not win NaNo now with 5 wins under my belt.
Well back to the word mill....rrrraaaaawrrr
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