Thursday, August 02, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #44

I posted earlier this week about discovering Natalie Merchant music and getting lost in listening and watching her on YouTube for hours. I couldn't really afford the time I spent on that so I justified it by collecting the URLs for this week's TT. I was pleased with myself for getting prepared two days early and looking forward to sharing but then yesterday's events... Well, I posted about that last night.

Anyway, here's Natalie. Enjoy.

Thirteen Natalie Merchant music videos on YouTube:

(the lyrics are poetry and worth reading: get lyrics at Lyrics Depot)

  1. Wonder
  2. Ophelia
  3. Candy Everybody Wants
  4. Thick As Thieves
  5. Carnival
  6. Kind and Generous
  7. Give Us Your Poor
  8. What's the Matter Here?
  9. My Skin (or for Harry Potter fans, same song, different video)
  10. Gulf of Araby
  11. Verdi Cries
  12. River
  13. Build a Levee

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

(leave your link in comments, I'll add you here!)

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It's easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

11 tell me a story:

Tink 8/02/2007 3:03 PM  

I love the HP-video of My Skin! I've bookmarked this post to listen more later (it's midnight over here and I'm off to bed.). Natalie has a very pleasant voice and the lyrics seem great!

Anonymous,  8/02/2007 3:34 PM  

I've never heard of her, I listened to Wonder and Carnival - I'll check out the rest later but I do like what I've heard. Great TT. Thank you.

Susan Helene Gottfried 8/02/2007 3:37 PM  

This list is downright dangerous, you know that?? *grin*

Nicole 8/02/2007 4:06 PM  

I'm not super-familiar with Natalie Merchant, but maybe I'll have to change that. Thanks for the links, and happy TT!

Malcolm 8/02/2007 6:09 PM  

Thanks for a very entertaining TT. Natalie has one of the most beautiful voices in music. One of my favorite performances by her is when she appeared solo on Regis and Kathie Lee during her final years with 10,000 Maniacs. She did a marvelous rendition of "How You've Grown".

L^2 8/02/2007 6:41 PM  

Great music Joy. Thanks for sharing. I haven't kept up with Natalie Merchant's music lately, but I really liked everything from her "Tigerlily" CD.

Happy TT! :-)

Anonymous,  8/02/2007 7:07 PM  

Great way to cover what you want to do. Great TT


Sparky Duck 8/02/2007 8:17 PM  

well you know my love for Natalie and 10000 maniacs. But I am a prissy stickler. give em what they want is really called Candy Everybody Wants. Dont hit me.

Candy Minx 8/03/2007 10:57 AM  

This was a fantastic idea for TT and I love how it is so extensive you can really get into her and you've helped by tracking donw so many links. Is she still married to Paul Simon I wonder?

Malcolm 8/08/2007 3:40 AM  
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Malcolm 8/08/2007 9:24 AM  

Hi Candy Minx: It's Edie Brickell (of Edie Brickell and New Bohemians fame) who is still married to Paul Simon. You may remember Edie Brickell and New Bohemians' 1988 hit "What I Am". I never thought about it before, but their style was similar to 10,000 Maniacs.

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