Saturday, August 11, 2007

Sunday Serenity #18 I Wanna Hold Your Hand

Can you think of a better way to spend a summer Sumday?

Please join us in a moment of serenity

Hat Tip to Candyminx

3 tell me a story:

Candy Minx 8/12/2007 5:46 AM  

Isn't this the sweetest thing you've ever seen? What I love is first they hold hands and then they even reconnect and hold a different set of's no accident or chance. I love how they are so sleepy too.

Anonymous,  8/12/2007 7:35 AM  

Cute little beasties!
It is hard not to anthropomorphise their activities.
Animals do touch for reassurance though, this is a fact.

Anonymous,  8/12/2007 8:33 PM  

ROFLOL. What a great video.

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