Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #46

I was planning to do a follow up on last week's TT list on the fundementalist sect I was raised in. But I was having a hard time keeping my mind on it because, having just finished the book, it was still so filled with images and emotions from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Then I realized that there were parellels between certain elements of fundamentalism and the cult of Voldemort. And then I realized that I had the perfect opportunity here to get my revenge on the character that was giving me heartburn for the past week: Dolores Umbridge.

Each item in the list is linked to a YouTube video. The first five are segments from the A & E documentary about the movie. I posted them because there are clips of Professor Umbridge scattered through them that I couldn't get elsewhere. But I gave them the top slots because they touch on the theme I am discussing throughout. They are longish though at about ten minutes each. But well worth watching if you have the time. The rest of the clips are mostly short and occasionally humorous and some of them are actually related to the theme implied by the list item.

These weren't the only clips I watched. I confess that I began to prepare this post over twelve hours ago and intended to just make the simple list without much comment. But then I got the brilliant idea of looking for a video to illustrate the post. I mean a single video to embed at the top. Ten minutes round trip, right? Yeah, right.

I haven't seen the movie yet but cannot wait until it comes out on DVD so my niece can buy it and then loan it to me. :)

Now all I want to do is pick up Half-Blood Prince but I can barely see straight.

Thirteen Things about Dolores Umbridge with which I take umbrage

  1. She is pretentious
  2. She is cruel
  3. She is self-righteous
  4. She is controlling
  5. She is bigoted
  6. She is hypocritical
  7. She is officious
  8. She is malicious
  9. She is elitist
  10. She is xenophobic
  11. She rates rules higher than character traits like integrity or compassion but then exempts herself in order to enforce her will.
  12. She has ensured that pink will now give me nightmares
  13. She dredged up memories of my kindergarten teacher

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It's easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

14 tell me a story:

Holly 8/16/2007 11:27 AM  

Fabulous TT. I couldn't agree with you more. And those cats? Goodness those gave me nightmares!

Susan Bischoff 8/16/2007 11:43 AM  

Well, she doesn't sound very pleasant at all. Interesting TT!

Susan Helene Gottfried 8/16/2007 12:16 PM  

This list rules, but #11 sums the whole lady up.

I love the bit about her and pink. I have a kindergartener now (!!!!) and yeah. There's more pink around here than I'm comfortable with. Go figure. I'm the one wearing t-shirts with skulls on them... (shoulda seen #1's first-grade class when I showed up in one. They told me girls couldn't wear skulls. I asked them why not, since I obviously was. I didn't get an answer. Dare I hope I opened a mind or two?)

Jean Bauhaus 8/16/2007 1:03 PM  

I have to re-read OotP (or see the movie), but yeah, I pretty much hate her.

I also grew up fundamentalist, and the fundamentalist Satanic Panic response to HP also inspired my own HP TT a few weeks back. Sigh.

Spy Scribbler 8/16/2007 1:14 PM  

Wow, I just saw the fifth movie, and boy does that actress a perfect job! Very creepy!

Happy TT!

Anonymous,  8/16/2007 1:38 PM  

happy tt!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us 8/16/2007 1:47 PM  

I shamelessly admit i just learned all 13 from you!

Ann 8/16/2007 2:16 PM  

Great list! I always thought her pink walls were the exact shade as Pepto-Dismal (or Necco wafers- but we like Necco wafers *g*). I can't remember my kindergarten teacher (which is ironic considering my TT this week). Happy TT!

Sparky Duck 8/16/2007 2:37 PM  

To me, you just expained 13 things about the nickel defense, because that I get, while I say Dolores who?

L^2 8/16/2007 3:02 PM  

Uggghh... too much pink! LOL
Great TT Joy! I haven't seen the most recent movie or read the last book yet, but I'm looking forward to them both (even though I much prefer the books to the movies).

Anonymous,  8/16/2007 3:44 PM  

Her costume reminds me of Pepto Bismo. and the discomfort that precedes it.


Anonymous,  8/16/2007 4:46 PM  

I thought the cats, much as they were almost too cute to bear, were her one redeeming characteristic. I thought they were sweet!

I'm told the great Imelda Staunton, who played her in the film, read the book only after auditioning/being cast for the part. The friend told her she'd be perfect for the part. Staunton was less than flattered after reading the many comparisons of Umbridge to a toad...

Rhian 8/17/2007 4:36 AM  

these are great - and just for the record, pink is supposed to give you nightmares. evil color.

Joely Sue Burkhart 8/18/2007 8:32 AM  

I've never liked pink much, but Princess Monster loves it. Ugh. I'm not familiar with this character, but she sounds terrible.

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