Thursday, January 05, 2012

What Happened To the Time?!

Time by Diana Ong
I've spent the last 13 hours packing and concurrently putting order to the mess that is a move into a new place.  I am determined not to leave chaos behind to come back to four weeks hence.  Besides I had to unpack all of my clothes from the bags we moved them over here in in order to find what I wanted to pack for my trip to Longview.

My sister is going to be here in less than twelve hours and she wants me ready to have my stuff packed into the car so we can hit the road.  She is making the round trip in a single day and will be leaving Longview in about fiver or six hours.

Meanwhile I've still got so much to do I'm thinking sleep may have to wait until I am in the car.

I have finished packing clothes.  And am pleased to say I left the clothes I'm leaving behind in good order in the closet.

I have packed the HABA (Health and Beauty Aides) except for very last minute things.

So basically what is left is what i consider the fun stuff--the crochet/craft stuff, the reading/writing stuff, the netbook stuff.  But it is also the stuff I tend to get distracted by allowing myself too much dithering and fiddling and fondling.

Well talking about it won't get it done.

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