Monday, May 31, 2010

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? #3

The only book I finish since last Monday was Boneshaker by Cherie Priest a steampunk alternate history fantasy. But I am very nearly finished with Big Fat Paycheck: A Young Person's Guide to Writing for the Movies by Colton Lawrence.

I dabbled in a few of the NF in the list I left on last week's What Are You Reading post. But not very much because I had to chose to put my focus on watching the DVD I had checked out of the library which included two TV series seasons (36 episodes total) and a several movies.

My plans for this week are pretty much the same list as last week's though must of the books are supposed to go back to the library Thursday. I may hang onto one or two until Monday if I think I have a good chance of finishing them. But I'm going to have a similar issue with the DVD this week. We have at least ten more waiting on us at the library between our two cards. The deluge continues. It's either claim them and watch them or forfeit our turn and get back in line.

Last week I said the next novel after Boneshaker would be Lorrie Moore's A Gate at the Stairs because I had been in a long queue and the queue behind me was still long. But I discovered the library now has a large print copy and though it was out there was no queue so I requested it and it's already on its way to my branch for pick-up. So I am reverting to the plan I had before picking my unplanned, idle picking up of Boneshaker from beside Ed's laptop ten days ago--I want to read The Girl With the Glass Feet by Ali Shaw. It is due Thursday but it is a short novel and I've been looking forward to it ever since the day I pulled it off the shelf and read the first page. Why or why didn't I treat it then like I treated Boneshaker last week instead of chasing due dates across the last eight weeks I have had it in my possession.

Now it's final due date is the one which I'm up against and it shares it with about fifteen books but I've put my focus on it and Gillian Flynn's Dark Places and Temple Grandin's Thinking in Pictures and Jeff Sharlett's The Family. And of course, Big Fat Paychcek but I should finish that one today. That's probably twice what I should reasonably expect out of myself. But there you are.

8 tell me a story:

Curling up by the Fire 5/31/2010 2:51 PM  

As someone who is known at the library for making countless renewals, I fully understand what you are going through. It would be a lot easier if all of the books didn't come at once, wouldn't it? Good luck with it all and enjoy your reading and watching week!

Sheila (Bookjourney) 5/31/2010 5:37 PM  

I love my library and use the reserve on line a lot while browsing these Monday memes. A Gate at the Stairs sounds good - I am going to have to look for that one. :)

Anna Marie 5/31/2010 11:04 PM  

When I pay library fines, I think of it as donating to a good cause. Though there are occasions I could buy books for what I owe.

Anonymous,  6/01/2010 2:22 AM  

Thanks for visiting my blog!

I know what you mean about library due dates! Luckily, I can often renew books but I don't like to, because it'll be an endless story!

I need to return a 277 page book tomorrow that I haven't started yet. I hope to read it today and tomorrow & finish before the library closes. :-)

Anna Marie 6/01/2010 9:51 AM  

I really wanted to read Boneshaker, but something about the brown ink defeated me. I think the book is beautiful packaged, but I just couldn't read the brown ink. I had this problem in college too. One of our text books was printed in blue! I think I'll buy Boneshaker again as an e-book now that I own a nook.

Hey since your library didn't have The Man Who Loved Books Too Much, check and see if they have any of Nancy and Lawrence Goldstone's book titles. They are really good.

Becky (Aidanvale book reviews) 6/06/2010 12:25 AM  

Thanks for stopping by Page Turners. I have heard a lot of people are reading The Girl with the Glass Feet at the moment, so I hope that you get too as well.

Laurel-Rain Snow 6/06/2010 5:53 AM  

Thanks for visiting my blog. I love checking out other blogs, too, and reading the stories of how each person decided what to read and when.

I am using the library again...for a few years, I'd gotten out of the habit, which is odd; that was always the first place I checked when I moved to a new town.

Now, with online requests, it's really great.


Martha Eskuchen 6/06/2010 11:08 AM  

Hello Joy. Saw your post at Book Journey...I'm with you. I'm lucky to get to visit 10 places during the week and sometimes I do it Friday or Saturday. This week I did get it done early hoping I might visit more later but that didn't happen. I always have to look around and maybe comment on one or two items. No quick Hi and Bye for me!
I'm interested in how you liked Boneshaker.
I hope this week was good and that you met your deadline/due dates. Most of all I hope you enjoyed your reading!

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