The Rogue River Valley
Here are some of the results of my research on the Rogue River Valley for the Book Drum profile for The River Why by David James Duncan.

And here's a sweet little documentary about the wild and scenic Rogue River complete with commentary on the stats, history and fact.
For those wondering what Book Drum is all about and haven't wandered on over there to check out their concept, well this is an example of a 'Bookmark' in a book profile. I put these and more into a Bookmark at the first mention of the Rogue River in the book. Which is in the title of chapter 2: The Rogue River Fishing War.
Hoping to get half a dozen more Book Drum Bookmarks put together tonight. As you can see that is a lot like expecting to put together half a dozen blog posts. But the time consuming part is the research and media gathering which is already done for many of them and I'm getting quicker at getting the pieces all plugged in.
I only have until Sunday afternoon to complete the profile and submit in order to compete for the prize and I began to suspect yesterday that I'm not going to make it. At least not if I continue to be so inclusive in my choice of what to illustrate and stubborn about searching until I find something usable. My list of things in the book that I think warrant illustration or explanation is huge but if I don't want to end up by Sunday with a 100 Bookmarks for the first five chapters and nothing after that, I better change my strategy. I'm thinking of skipping along through the book after I get Chapter 2 Bookmarked and choosing 1-3 things per chapter or even say, 3 things per 25 pages since that is how they have the sections split up and that way there would at least be something and not nothing in every one of the sections and I can continue adding material from my notes after the contest has been judged next month.
I have the Author page done. At least as done as I'm going to for now. I never did find a photo of David James Duncan usable for this commercial project and I spent hours and hours over three days looking so I'm going to let that go for now. I linked to plenty of resources that included photos.
The other sections of the profile I still have to put together are: Setting, glossary, Summary and Review. Setting will be easy as I'm collecting material for it as I research the Bookmarks relating to place. Glossary is just a matter of plugging the info into the form but again I probably have way too many words collected and need to be choosier. Summary is just a matter of setting myself to the task of writing a 100 to 500 word objective overview of the novel. Review is dicier that is where I get to express my own take on the story and...well...there's a reason my book reviews are so few and far between. I tend to collect enough info and make enough notes for something more akin to a term paper than a book review and then get overwhelmed and or distracted and not get it into postable form. Just like I do with my stories. *sigh*
OK back to work.
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