Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mama Mia!

I have spent several hours with the Mama Mia! DVD in the last 24 hours. I watched it through twice and then in the bonus features I watched (and sang along with) the songs. Some of the several times.

No, I do not have a singing voice I would wish to share with anyone but my cat.

But I was totally caught up in this movie and its music. Two big draws for me were Meryl Streep (I would watch her in ANYTHING!) and the ABBA music around which this musical (a play then a movie) was centered.

The fact that I took time out to watch it twice and hang out with the music for hours is a significant tribute to this movie considering how I currently have over 60 hours of DVD at home between the library and NetFlix. 4 full TV series seasons account for 50 some hours. Then there are two movies that are over two hours, a short animated film and a documentary. Also an audio book. Stuff I was in queue for at the library for weeks and weeks just flooded in this week and last.

Still I'm tempted to hit play on Mama Mia! again.

The basic plot of the story is that a young bride to be finds her mother's diary from the year she was born and discovers three possibilities for the identity of her father. She sends invites to the wedding in her mother's name to all three. The wedding is to be held on an isolated island off the coast of Greece where Sophie has been raised by single mother Donna (Meryl Streep) who runs an inn there. There where she had been romanced by three men one summer 21 years ago.

So 70s!.

The 1970s was the decade I was in highschool (76 grad) engaged (77) and married (78).

ABBA was ubiquitous on the radio at the time. I never bought an album but I always turned up the stereo when the DJ put one on.

And here is ABBA themselves performing what became the title song of the play/movie:

Oh yeah. That was the 70s

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