Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #41

Update: Am changing the number in the title from 40 to 41. Took me nearly four days to notice that goof. Hope this doesn't confuse anyone. Don't know how it affects the archive and permalinks when you change a post title.

Since signing up for the Seventy Days of Sweat challenge, I haven't had much else on my mind. I discovered the challenge after it started and signed up on impulse because I knew if I let myself think about it, I would find too many reasons to not do it. I have no new word count yet and probably won't for several more days. I have been working at optimizing my work space (both physical and virual), organizing my files (again, both physical and virtual), re-reading some of the finished stories and rough-drafts and notes, daydreamig the storyworld, and familiarizing myself with the use of three different applications which I'll be using to help me keep all the notes and drafts organized and at my fingertips. I'll blog about those aps later. Although all three of them are in the TT I did just before Christmas about freeware, I will blog about just how they facilitate the specifice tasks writer's encounter.

I am considering posting out-takes or snippets as I've seen them called. Possibly pick a day of the week, say Friday, and post a chunk between 500 and 1500 words from one of the stories. I am quite shy of sharing the really rough drafts of scenes though as anticipating sharing them often makes my muse shy. Can't have that right now. But I have enough material from stories I consider fairly solid, fairly close to final draft form to fill up the eight or nine weeks of this challenge. So, let me hear from you writers: does posting out-takes help or harm the publishing process? I mean will having posted them cause potential publishers to loose interest? Or is that risk mitigated by the potential of proving to a publisher there is enough interest in my stories to take a risk? I keep going back and forth. I've posted out-takes from #11 and #13 below in the past. I was going to hunt up the permalinks for them but I would rather get this posted and get back to work....

Thirteen Titles of Stories From My Fruit of the Spirit Storyworld

1. The Substance of Things Hoped For

2. Of Cats and Claws and Cuiosities

3. Making Rag Doll Babies and Million Dollar Maybes

4.Strange Attractors

5. Faye's Strays

6. To Sip the Light Prismatic

7. Brooding Instinct

8. Lever of Love (Love's Lever)

9. Storyteller's Spouse

10. Braided Rainbows

11. Tale of a Wail

12. Majoring in Marine Biology

13. Kicking the Bucket

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

(leave your link in comments, I'll add you here!)

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It's easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

18 tell me a story:

L^2 7/11/2007 10:04 PM  

Good luck with the writing challenge! I always enjoy reading outtakes, but I'm not comfortable sharing rough drafts of things I've written either, so it's really up to you.

Ann 7/12/2007 4:59 AM  

Holly Lisle started a meme, called Friday Snippet, in which several writers post snippets from previous works or from works in progress and then they each go visit the other blogs and post comments on the snippets. The comments are always constructive and, I've found, very helpful. Feel free to join us if you want.

Joely Sue Burkhart 7/12/2007 5:30 AM  

Kicking the Bucket sounds intriguing. :-)

I participate with Ann in Friday Snippets. I've done "snippets" of WIP but not much. Once you get a contract (thinking positively here!), some publishers will specify the exact word count that you can post online. Mine didn't, but I know some do. So keep that in mind. Less than 2K would probably be fine.

What I'm using now is a short story--I'm posting it bit by bit every week until it's done. Serialized, I guess. Then tomorrow, the whole thing will be posted and I'll make a PDF to offer for free. Lynn Viehl, PBW, gave me the idea of giving away free stories. She swears that's how she gained many of her readers.

Susan Helene Gottfried 7/12/2007 6:05 AM  

Joely's got an interesting idea.

since my whole blog's fiction (by and large), Friday Snippet is sort of pointless for me. I'll stick to the Poetry Train!

Isn't it fun when your WIP takes off and you can't even seen straight 'cause you're looking at the world through the fictional one layered over top?

Write on, my friend!

Anonymous,  7/12/2007 6:05 AM  

Go for it. I saw the titles, listened to a lot of story development and it is time you share with others.


Unknown 7/12/2007 7:06 AM  

Good luck with the writing challenge! So far it's been great for me, though I slacked off a bit yesterday. I'm going to have to get cracking here today!

BTW, I love the title Braided Rainbows.

Anonymous,  7/12/2007 7:15 AM  

What an inspiring site....especially like the idea of remaining open rather than becoming overly invested in a single idea. It's something that I have to keep reminding myself about; it's so easy to get in a reactive rut. I've seen a lot of references to this meme (the 70 one) and it sounds exhausting. But I love your titles, especially "Strange Attractors".

Suprina 7/12/2007 8:14 AM  

What an inspiration you are. I am horrible with writing and always have tons of grammer and spelling errors.

Wonderful TT13!

Anonymous,  7/12/2007 10:00 AM  

Love the working titles. And yes, feel free to share your work - it's rough, it's a brain dump and I'm sure it'll be wonderful. Thanks for stopping by!

Wylie Kinson 7/12/2007 10:43 AM  

I'm starting to feel like the only writer in blogland NOT doing the 70 Day Sweat!
Off to sulk...

Anonymous,  7/12/2007 11:32 AM  

I'm glad you're Sweating, too -- good luck! And I like all your titles -- you know what, The Substance of Things Hoped For is the title of one of my characters' novels in one of the novels I wrote, LOL! Do great minds think alike, or what? ;-D

Sweat on, sweat on!

Anonymous,  7/12/2007 11:38 AM  

That looks like quite the writing challenge. Good luck with it! I love all your titles especially #6. Great TT list.

Qtpies7 7/12/2007 11:53 AM  

Lots of intriguing titles!

Candy Minx 7/12/2007 2:14 PM  

Wow, you've got a lot of work ahead of you...but if just on your titles alone sounds ,like you have some fun work and good ideas. All of these titles make me want to know what the story is behind them. Best of luck...and hope to see a draft some day!


Amy Ruttan 7/12/2007 2:53 PM  

You're doing awesome with the challenge. I didn't do a red word last night. I just couldn't write, I couldn't. Tonight I'm getting my but in gear!

Happy TT!

Lisa Andel 7/12/2007 3:33 PM  

Majoring in Marine Biology

Something about it makes me want to read it RIGHT NOW. :)

Good luck with the sweating!

Andi 7/12/2007 9:39 PM  

What is the 70 Days of Sweat challenge???

Bri 7/14/2007 10:56 PM  

I also participate in the Friday Snippets and find them constructive and at times encouraging. I'm also involved in the 70 Days of Sweat - and while it is a little slow going at first, I'm really enjoying it. I hope you decide to join the Friday Meme - it'd be great to read some of your stuff!

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