Tuesday, July 10, 2007


I was working on another topic for today's post, about my plans and progress with the Sweating for 70 challenge, but I was sweating whether I could get it ready before midnight. And then a major thunderstorm moved in on us. Which means the power could go off any second. I could keep working on batteries but the WIFI would go down and the broadband connection and thus I couldn't post it. So I think I will just post this quickie. It is freaking being the only one awake in the house while this storm is growling and blowing. It sounds like it is still dry, no rain, and that isn't good because of the fire danger in the surrounding fields and hills with dry brush, grass and trees.

I hate when the electricity goes off too. I have a couple hours of battery power for the laptop. Another couple hours with my booklight for reading. Possibly another couple hours on the batteries in my Discman to listen to music. I guess that adds up to six and the power is seldom off that long. But still. It seems I always would rather be doing just that thing that I can't be doing. Although tonight, I am tired enough I could probably sleep. I was awake for over thirty hours between Sunday afternoon and Monday evening all jazzed up on the Sweating for 70 challenge. I only got six hours of sleep last night and got up with my husband this morning because I had not done the dinner dishes Sunday evening because it was so hot I couldn't keep the sweat out of my eyes.

As soon as I got the dishes done this morning, I spread my project elements all over the bed and I spent the whole day organizing and thinking. I learned about the challenge late so I have to play catch up. I may not generate much if any word count for a couple more days.

Temps went over 100 today and it was miserably humid as well because this storm was building over the western hills, moving in from the coast. The heat zaps me of energy so I would probably find it easy to sleep if the power goes out, narrowing my options. I can still daydream the storyworld in the dark too. Keep a note pad and pencil with the booklight near by for quick notes.....

Lights just flickered three times in ten seconds. I'm pushing my luck. Better publish. Hope there's not too many typos and misspellings.

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