Saturday, July 28, 2007

Sunday Serenity #16

Hat Tip Dewey for the pic. See more lol cats on her TT.

Big chunks of time lost in a novel. Now that is serenity. I haven't let myself do this since I started the 70 days of sweat challenge though. I think maybe it is safe to do so now, without risking so distracted that I forget to return to my own story world. I started Harry Potter 4, Goblet of Fire, today. It is a re-read for will be Order of the Phoenix. But I haven't read Half-Blood Prince yet, nor the latest, Deathly Hollows. Our niece loaned us books 3 through 6 months ago. Ed whizzed through them in about a week. They were all re-reads for him. We are waiting on her to finish the last one. Except Ed, says he might not wait past next week-end. He is having a rough time staying clear of spoilers between work and online.

Anyway. I think I am going to gift myself with a day, or at least most of an afternoon, to get lost in J.K. Rowling's story world. And gift Ed with the use of the laptop for the full day, if he wants it. He had to work Saturday morning before the races and so lost his Saturday session on the PC. Sunday is his Mom's day off so Ed won't monopolize her PC on Sundays.

I got a kick out of the picture when I saw it on Dewey's TT. There are twelve more 'bookish lol cats' to see over there. It was hard to choose among them for this. There was even a couple with the Harry Potter theme. But I settled on this one because the cat looks so much like Merlin. And I'm always misplacing my glasses. Lately I'm having the dickens of a time keeping them on my face because when they aren't sliding off from the sweat, they are fogging up or getting dripped on so I have to take them off and clean them. This is due more to the ninety-plus degree days than it is to Sven's challenge but hours of intimacy with a laptop keyboard on these warm days might not be such a priority for me if not for Sven.

Here's the Sunday Serenity Hub if you'd like to participate.

3 tell me a story:

Jamie 7/29/2007 11:33 AM  

I enjoy getting lost in novels, even non-fiction books. Reading clears your mind with someone else;'s words and not just your own thoughts... It is nice to do sometimes.

Anonymous,  7/29/2007 12:32 PM  

I get lost often. Thanks for Sunday.


Dewey 9/21/2007 3:06 PM  

I'm just dying to know more about this 70 days of sweat thing. I keep seeing the badges, but I haven't found any clickable ones yet.

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