Friday, September 16, 2011

BBAW 2011 Day 5: Blogging Tips and Tricks

BBAW 2011 Day 5

Today's topic share 3 tried and true practices and 1-3 things you've either recently implemented or would like to try

3 tried and true (sadly I often fall short)

  1. consistent content reflecting your true heart
  2. use images--for some reason the search engines love them especially if you've given them a file name or caption that is a likely search phrase and reflects the content of the post
  3. network--visit, comment, reply, return visits, participate in events, challenges, memes, thons and read alongs

3 things I'd like to try

  1. add a follow widget in sidebar--I've added a bunch of blogs to my reader as I passed by this week because of the ease of it
  2. use social networks
  3. host a meme or challenge

3 tell me a story:

Erin 9/16/2011 10:30 AM  

I'm trying to use more images, but I didn't realize search engines love them -- bonus!

lisa :) 9/16/2011 12:30 PM  

consistent content reflecting your true heart

Well said! I think honesty & authenticity are great qualities in a book blog and they really shine through in good writing!

Unruly Reader 9/16/2011 5:46 PM  

Oh! I learned something from your post today, and I love learning new things. Didn't know before about search engines finding images and their tags... Thanks for the info!

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