Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bamboo Baby Afghan at 7 Weeks

Here it is hanging over the oven door handle again tho it has to be bunched to get it all on. It is folded over the rail approximately in half. The tails give the impression of the fringe that I will be putting on next.

I couldn't hang it on my white cane in order to stretch it out to its full width this time as I didn't get the pictures taken until after Ed was in bed. So I tried to get a shot of it at full size instead by draping it over the highbacked office chair in the living room:

It is hard to tell in either picture that the two edges (left and right in both pics) turned out significantly different in length--the last worked being several inches longer than the first worked. I discovered this shortly after putting in the last row in the wee hours of Monday morning and then trying to fold it in half. I came very near to taking out the last iteration or even two (13 or 23 rows) in order to put them back in with firmer tension. But the thought demoralized me. It would have meant another week of row work so I waited until Ed and his Mom were up to get their take and neither of them thought that was warranted. It was obvious only if you tried to fold it in half the long way which is not really the natural way. And even if she notices my niece is not going to care , so they tell me, as it is beautiful the way it is. I am not, afterall, trying to win a blue ribbon at the fair.

So here's hoping that next Thursday I will be able to show some significant work on the fringe accomplished. I have to crochet the fringe pieces on in order to secure them against coming loose. There are a minimum of 155 per side. One for each end of every row. This will be tedious and not something I can do while watching videos as I'll have to keep my eyes and my mind on the work.

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