Thursday, May 17, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #33

My mood has been in the toilet for the last twenty-four hours and I didn't want to lay it on TTers by doing my TT on what's on my mind. (See Monday and Tuesday's posts below if you're curious.) But then I remembered that as I was salvaging two years worth of email off the PC this week, I came across several old forwards. You know the ones I mean. They have some kind of story or joke or list of interesting facts, or quizzes etc. I remembered that I had seen several that I thought would lend themselves to a fun TT and thus had copy/pasted them into the Misc document along with interesting links and quotes that had been sent to me.

The files from the PC were still on the PC though and I wanted to do my TT on the laptop this week. Because I am organized to do it on there and because this week I am sure I can count on the laptop to cooperate as it's been several days since I've seen any hints of malware activity.

The PC files I wanted to back up and also to move onto the laptop were all collected into a single folder and that folder had been moved into the Shared Documents on the PC. Via the WIFI, I can access the folder from the laptop.

The folder had been ready to go since Tuesday morning just before I left to walk my ballot over to City Hall. The laptop was busy with a scan so I couldn't move it then. it was still busy when I got home and since it was already four hours past my usual bedtime, I needed to lay down. My afternoon and evening were consumed with other tasks and topics.

The laptop needed a restart when I woke up Wednesday afternoon and after I was logged onto my desktop again I started to head to the PC folder to retrieve that file but I got sidetracked exploring the laptop file tree as I looked for the place I wanted to park the PC files. I started peeking inside folders to remind myself what was there, to get an idea of what I still needed to get done to prepare them for backup. That kept me busy right up until I was called to dinner.

So the first thing I did after finishing the dishes was to head for that PC file again. This time I was ready to move it. I had never done this before so I wasn't sure what would happen. When the transfer started it was accompanied by a dialog box with a progress bar and the estimated time was three minutes. I lay down so Merlin would cuddle with me. He's not much of a lap kitty. I watched the progress bar for a time and glanced at the clock. At the three minute mark the bar was only two-thirds full. In that last couple minutes, I must have dozed off. I didn't get to start work on TT until after ten.

I had to do a major rewrite of the joke I chose to feature today as it was only a nine item list. I added and divided and shuffled a bit from the original.

Warning! Beverage spew alert!

Speaking of toilets........

Thirteen Steps To A Clean Toilet--The Fun Way:
1. Put both lids of the toilet up.
2. Add 1/8 cup of pet shampoo to the water in the bowl.
3. Walk through the house and yard, calling "Here, Kitty, Kitty, Kitty."
4. Pick up the cat and soothe him while you carry him towards the bathroom.
5. In one smooth movement, put the cat in the toilet and close both lids.
6. Stand on the lid.
7. Wait as the cat self agitates making ample suds.
8. Never mind the noises coming from the toilet, the cat is actually enjoying this.
9. Flush the toilet three or four times to provide a "power-wash" and rinse.
10. Have someone open the front door of your house.
11. Be sure that there are no people between the bathroom and the front door.
12. Stand behind the toilet as far as you can, and quickly lift both lids.
13. Watch the cat rocket out of the toilet, streak through the house, and run outside to dry himself off.
Both the commode and the cat will be sparkling clean.
The Dog

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

1. whenn 2. Gattina 3. Susan Helene Gottfried 4. Miss Frou Frou 5. Mz Jackson 6. samulli 7. Fence 8. L^2 9. Mercy's Maid 10. Dana 11. Toni 12. Tink 13. Nicole 14. Rhian / Crowwoman

(leave your link in comments, I'll add you here!)

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It's easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

15 tell me a story:

meh 5/17/2007 1:50 AM  

At first I thought : "wait a minute, this is cruel!"
Then I saw the "sincerely The Dog" bit.

Lol! Good one! Thanx for sharing :)

Gattina 5/17/2007 3:50 AM  

Hopefully nobody immitates this way of cat washing, lol ! That reminded me of my grandpa's story, when russian soldiers had discovered a WC in his house and thought it was a washing machine for potatoes ! The fact that some of them disappeared made them very angry and they accused my poor grandpa of sabotage !!

Susan Helene Gottfried 5/17/2007 5:00 AM  

I love that one!

Sorry you've been having such a bummer week. Hopefully the light is on at the end of the tunnel for you.

And, of course, thanks for coming over. I wish you could see me smile when I see your name listed on my TT!

Miss Frou Frou 5/17/2007 6:01 AM  

Great TT... reminds me of my sister being potty trained, attempting to train the cat, put it down the toilet and it was only that she wasn't tall enough, that stopped her from flushin it... cat never went near the toilet again...

Mz Jackson 5/17/2007 6:24 AM  

That was hilarious! Loved it!

Rhian 5/17/2007 6:30 AM  

i'm spoilt - i have peoples that do that stuff for me. i like being spoiled.

samulli 5/17/2007 9:46 AM  

Now that is a really mean joke.
I just love it!
Unfortunately I don't have a cat handy to try if it actually works and the dog, sadly, doesn't fit in the toilet. LMAO

Can't believe people in your county voted against having a library. Sad world, this.

Fence 5/17/2007 9:53 AM  

:) I bet the cat is wondering what the dog might be able to clean.

I'd say happy T13, but you must be bummed over the library closure, can't believe people voted to close it!

L^2 5/17/2007 10:41 AM  

Haha... that's hilarious!

So sorry to hear about the Library vote. I really hope your week ends better than it started.

Thanks for visiting my list. :-)

Mercy's Maid 5/17/2007 1:42 PM  

Ha! Clean the cat and the toilet at the same time. Purrfect! :)

Anonymous,  5/17/2007 5:14 PM  

That was funny once I saw it came from the dogs point of view! Although, in my house, the cat would say that about the dog!

Special K ~Toni 5/17/2007 5:29 PM  

ROFLMAO! I loved that!

Tink 5/18/2007 3:05 AM  

Hahaha, great TT! As long as nobody really tries this at home... ;-)
Sorry to hear you didn't have a good week. I hope everything turns for the better soon.
Thanks for visiting my detective TT!

Anonymous,  5/18/2007 6:19 AM  

I have seen this before but it was fun to read again - thanks for the fun laugh! Hope things are a bit better! Keep smiling and I really enjoyed your blog!

Elizabeth Bauterfly 7/04/2007 10:46 PM  

That is so mean for the cat (but ridiculously funny all the same.

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