Friday, June 01, 2012

Friday Forays in Fiction: Camp NaNoWriMo

Camp NaNoWriMmo 2012
So the June Camp NaNoWriMo started today.  And unlike with NaNoWriMo in November I was not breathlessly watching the clock from to 11:55pm until the stroke of midnight.  I'd actually forgot about it last night being so busy with the garden party for The Secret Garden held at Bookjourney.

Well I dithered some more this afternoon but in the end decided to go ahead and participate but in a more relaxed manner.  Like a combination of the way I treat Script Frenzy in April and have been treating ROW80 this past three weeks.  My focus will be less on word count and 'winning' and more on the story.

The story I chose to focus on is more of a short story collection. I've long wanted to gather together and tell the full stories of the many strays that Faye takes in in The Substance of Things Hoped For but that being her story nearly all told from her POV the other's stories can only be hinted at.

The story of how Julia and Wilma came to live on the estate with Faye.  How did fourteen year old Briana get mixed up with Brandon the father of Brandy?  Why did Crystal run away? How did Hope and Gideon end up living in the van with three children?  And so forth...

I've been wanting to turn them into an interwoven collection of shorts from novellas to flash fiction and vignettes and set them in a frame that ties them all together and has its own story arc.  So that is what I will work on in June.  But I won't be able to get truly serious about it until my sister gets home Monday night and maybe even not until I get back home the following weekend.

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