How Fast Do You Read?
Source: Staples eReader Department
Ever since I started reading ebooks last fall, I had the sense that I was reading significantly faster than I had been with tree books using regular sized fonts. Now I know for sure.
It was hard to judge since the ebooks don't measure by pages and when it says I'm at 20% what is being measured. Nor when it says 244/556. When I read 1Q84 this past week the second number was 2343 and I know the book was not 2343 pages so it isn't pages they measure. I tried counting the words on a screen and then trying to keep track of how many screens I read in a minute or in five minutes but I could not keep the count straight plus trying to keep an eye on the clock did not help my speed.
So I was excited to find this little speed reading test on the Staples site. It is designed to help you figure out which ereader you would get the most books read on a single battery charge.
The first time I took this test with 12pt font I read less than 300. I think it was even less than 250--and I still failed the comprehension questions. All three. Then I zoomed my browser until the fonts appeared approximate 14 to 16pt and tried again. And my speed increased to just under 500. I went from 20% slower than the average adult to 96% faster.
It is still only half the speed I once read but I'll take it and smile.
This drop in reading speed is the fallout from the RP that is taking my eyesight one pixil at a time.
Not only was reading so much slower with tree books but I couldn't read for as long either. Usually after less than thirty minutes I would need to rest my eyes and so often once I'd put the book down I didn't pick it up again for hours or days. That was so frustrating.
Last night I started The Hunger Games after midnight and I almost finished it before I had to sleep. It has been a long time since I came that close to reading a whole book of that length and difficulty level in under 6 hours. I still haven't finished it as there was so much else going on today.
I can't wait until the next read-a-thon!!! I might actually be able to list multiple finishes.
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