This promo was created by high school students. How cool is that.
Only two more weeks. And a bit.
I'm slower to embrace the Frenzy this year as I'm still at my mom's where I have less control of my time than I'd like for doing this but I have more control than many who participate. I definitely have more than high school students. Or mothers of young children, college students, people with full time jobs or those with health challenges. All of whom have schedules with less flexibility than mine right now.
I guess it isn't really the time that concerns me so much as the fear of allowing myself to be lost in my story the way I always do. Communicating with me at those times is like trying to wake someone from a dream. Those times when I know others are depending on for whatever reason I resist that total immersion that is so essential to fishing that story out of my subconscious. Of course there is a time factor in that too but its more about my knowing that I don't shift back and forth between that day dreamy mind necessary for the story and the no-nonsense mind necessary when I'm tending to Mom's needs or the open, companionable mind required for socializing with others.
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