One by One
Screen shot showing Gimp (GNU Image Manipulation) with its about window open over the top of Zscreen the screen capture program that took the shot.
Gimp and Zscreen were the two free programs I downloaded and installed on my netbook today. I had both on my laptop but these are both newer versions than I was using. So I'll have a bit of getting used to to do.
I decided almost immediately after powering up my netbook late Saturday night that I wasn't going to try to go after every single ap that I had before in a mad rush. I would take my time installing them one by one and spend a little time exploring each one before going on to the next.
I started with a game. A jigsaw puzzle game that allows me to create and then assemble jigsaw puzzles out of any image I feed it.

This is the third approximately 300 piece puzzle I've started this week. I finished two already. I just started this one for the purpose of getting the screen shot for this post. The one drawback of playing this on the netbook vx my laptop is the limit of how many pieces I can have in a puzzle. I love to have them over 1000 but apparently this screen is too small to accomodate that. The pieces of the 300 count puzzles are tinier than the 1000 count puzzles on the laptop screen.
Actually WhizFolder Organizer Pro was the first application I added. I can barely function on a computer anymore without my Whiz files. It's almost like my brain itself is stored in them.

I do all my composing in Whiz now and only use a regular word processor when I need manuscript quality drafts, HTML pages, or desk top publish capabilities. For that my preferred ap is Productivity Suite's Writer which was yesterday's install project--the Suite that is--and which I discussed in yesterday's post.
I think tomorrow's new install should be X Mind so I can open the mind map of my storyworld I created while prepping for NaNo.
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