Invisible Library
"The Invisible Library is a collection of books that only appear in other books. Within the library's catalog you will find imaginary books, pseudobiblia, artifictions, fabled tomes, libris phantastica, and all manner of books unwritten, unread, unpublished, and unfound."
What were the names of the books written by the fictional character in Jorge Luis Borges' Examination of the Work of Herbert Quain?
And what about the novel written by Jo March in Lousia May Alcott's Little Women
Or, what was the full title of the book written by Jude Mason in A.S. Byatt's novel The Babel Tower?
What was the alternate title of The Mousetrap, the play Hamlet produced in William Shakespeare's Hamlet?
These and many other such questions can be answered at The Invisible Library
If you know of any fictional titles and their authors that are not in this catalog, the Librarian welcomes submissions. Contact info among other useful and intersting things and links can be found in the Librarian's Office
Meanwhile, just for kicks, visit the Librarian's other website which he created during one of Invisible Libraries enforced downtimes--you know, those pesky technical difficulties. Anyway Fuddlefog is just a collection of fun, mostly visual humor and except for the T-shirt pages (fair warning) family friendly. Check out this page especially: How long did it take you to get it?
But be sure and pop back over to Joystory. If not immedieately, then latter today as I'm planning multiple posts over the next several hours and several more again tomorrow night in anticipation of a brief hiatus over the week-end. Have to give my fledgling audience something to keep coming back for. I've only been promoting for ten days and it has made a difference. Going from an average of zero reader's per day to an average of 5+ may not seem like much to those of you with reader's in the hundreds per day but it is gratifying just to know that I'm no longer writing into the echo chamber of my heart.
Three of you have identified yourselves to me and thanked me in the last month. I thank you for that. Is it OK if this makes me happy?
Hat tip to Suzzane at misccubed for the nod toward The Invisible Library. Yes, Suzzane was one of the three. And the first to blogroll me on her site. I will soon be doing the same for misccubed where she writes with humor and insight on misc things including books and reading, motherhood and music, history, philosophy, peace and religion (of the Unitarian-Pluralism leaning).
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