Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday Forays in Fiction: A Quote

Get Carried Away -- Open a Book
moar literary kittehs
I just had to renew the batch of library books I checked out of the Longview Library on my sister's card for the second time.  Last renewal.  Means I've had them for six weeks and now have three weeks left.  I've barely cracked their covers since the first ten days.

What with the computer issues, the room reorganizing the AWAI coursework, health care appointments, duty days with Mom, headaches and eye-strain I've just not had the time for them.  I realized today while spending hours, reading and replying to email, fussing with my email labels and filters and trying to winnow out another hundred or three from my inbox, that this was using all the same resources in time, energy, focus, eyestrain and thought as does the reading and research I love and that I was thoroughly fed up with it.

I need to unplug.  I need to get lost in a story or a complex thesis or a research project that involves multiple open books and no search engine other than my brain and the index in the back.

0 tell me a story:

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