Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Early Morning Aspirations

dohz urly burdz wil git supryz
moar kitthes 2 C n sharez
I can finally say that my new Aspire laptop is ready for business--ready to assist me in my aspirations.  This is the second post that I've composed completely on the Aspire.  The first being done this morning for last night's missed post due to the 13 hour file transfer I set in motion at 6pm last evening.

Today, I finished installing all of the aps that I use regularly for projects on the front burner so tomorrow I get back to work.  Back to the AWAI copywriting course, back to my fiction files, back to my inbox cleanout, back to reading ARCs and writing reviews, back to research.....

Well maybe not everything in one day.  Probably AWAI and the inbox will get the focus first.  The latter grew by nearly 400 in the last five days.

There is more that is less business but still important like listening/watching audio/video like audio books, podcasts, news, TV episodes, movies and music all of which had become problematic on the netbook with its broken headphone jack.  Those activities I always combine with either fiber art or exercise so they are doubly productive and doubly fun.  But most of them will have to wait for this weekend as from today through Friday I'm on duty with Mom and can't be having the headphone clamped to both ears and getting lost in music or stories.

And of course I will take a little time for computer games on the Aspire as they are the best way to get familiar with the quirks of a touchscreen.

But now it's bedtime.  I've been awake since 4am except for a bit of a cat nap between 5 and 6 after I went back to bed upon finding the computers still engaged in the file transfer.

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