Friday Forays in Striction
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My in-laws were out of town from Wednesday morning through late this afternoon and I took advantage to do our laundry and clean our room. Then late last night while sorting the dirty clothes the muscles in my lower back declared war on each other. There have been moments today when I couldn't walk without hanging onto the wall. Ican't stand or sit up straight without support which means sitting on the edge of the bed like this isn't working very well.
It feels like elves are crocheting Christmas stockings our of my muscle fibers.
It doesn't help that I got only a couple hours of sleep between 3 and 5 this afternoon having ran the washer and dryer all night while Ed slept and then spent several hour cleaning our room after he left for work and then another hour putting the kitchen, living room, laundry and bathroom back in order before I was free to lay down. So I think I'm going to take a muscle relaxer left from the prescription for the stiff neck I had in November and see if I can sleep this off.
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