Thursday, August 13, 2009

I'm Tapped Out

see more Lolcats and funny pictures

I'm blanking on post ideas tonight. I suppose I should do one of the book reviews I have lined up. But I'd rather read another book. But even reading seems like more effort than I'm up for. So I think I'll watch DVD on my laptop.

There were two movies and the Series set of Keeping Up Appearances that were all due at the library today but I held them back to finish up with them over the weekend. There are nine discs in Keeping Up Appearances. I've watched the 9th and all of discs 1-6 except for two episodes on disc 5. And then there are the special features. There is something on every disc and I've only watched them on a couple of them. So I'm guestimating I have over ten hours left to watch before Ed leaves for work Monday morning. Plus the two movies which are close to two hours each themselves.

I'd been watching the DVDs on the TV but that limits me to daytime when Ed isn't sleeping which is also when other things tend to be on the TV. And other tasks or errands need tending to. So unless I'm willing to wait until I can get them back from the library again, I'm going to have to sacrifice a few late night hours--my quiet uninterrupted, writing, reading and research hours.

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