Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Book Giveaway: Lost and Found

Hachette Book Group has authorized me to give away up to five copies of:

Lost and Found
by Carolyn Parkhurst

I believe this is for the mass market paperback edition. Click on the book cover for more details.

See rules for qualifying entries at bottom of this post.


A suburban mom, her troubled daughter, divorced brothers, former child stars, born-again Christians, and some young millionaires have all been selected to compete on LOST AND FOUND, a daring new reality show. In pairs of two, they will race across the world to compete for a million-dollar prize.The only question is not only who will capture the big jackpot, but at what price.

Carolyn Parkhurst is also the author of the bestseller The Dogs of Babel.

Critical Praise

"Parkhurst treats the game show as an opportunity for the contestants to decide, as the producer asks of them, 'What have you found?' The answer for readers: heart and wit to spare."
Publishers Weekly

"Given the high-concept premise, Parkhurst has avoided the pitfall of simply engineering a joyride, and written a funny second novel that surpasses her first."
Kirkus Reviews

"A deeply affecting page-turner . . . Parkhurst endows each [character] with complexity and pathos, even when she doesn't approve of the choices they make. What emerges is less a satire than a straightforward character study— one that we're reluctant to put down even after the last contestant crosses the finish line."
—Rebecca Marx, Elle

The following is copy/pasted from the previous post because it all holds true for this one as well. I would add that I intended to post the two giveaways a week apart so this one is actually on my original schedule but I'd hoped to create a scavenger hunt of some kind as part of the toll for entering this one. It seemed so apropo because of the story but I just didn't have the time to figure it out or devote to qualifying the entrants. So to repeat yesterday's post which I'm actually creating side by side with this one:

I've known about this since October 27 but have been so busy with NaNo (and I must admit pre and post coverage of Election 2008) that I kept putting off getting the post prepared. Partly it was because I couldn't decide on the deadline to impose as I really don't want to take time out from my NaNoWriMo work to do the business of the drawing and all that follows. And I might be leaving town a day or two after NaNo is over for a couple weeks stay at my Mom's in Longview, Washington.

Shoulda thought of all that before I jumped on board huh?
*banging head here*

But I was caught up in the enthusiasm for it after reading the excerpt and I wanted a review copy which is part of the deal offered to me for hosting the giveaway. So I'm going to set the deadline for the Saturday following the end of NaNo which is December 6. I should have arrived at my Mom's a few days before that and had time to rest and catch my breath. I will have limited access to the Internet while there but I can manage the drawing and notifying the winners and then Hatchette.

Read the rules below carefully. I explained in wordy detail in my second and third giveaways why I had to establish the first three on the list. The sort version is that conducting the drawing and notification took me over six hours that time. I did have to disqualify a few entries last time and it made me sad so please read carefully and comply. Hachette imposes the mailing address rules so my apologies to my overseas readers.

  • Leave a comment in this post expressing your interest in entering the drawing.
  • Provide an @ by which I can contact you in case of a win. Either in your comment or in an email to me at joystory AT gmail DOT com If you email your @ be sure to connect it to your entry. If I do not receive an @ your entry will be disqualified.
  • If, in the case of a win, you would like me link to your blog in the winners announcement post, provide your URL in your comment or via email. This is not a requirement for entering nor do you have to have a blog yourself in order to enter.
  • If you blog about this giveaway, send me a link to the post and your name will be entered a second time.
  • Deadline for entering is NOON PST Saturday December 6, 2008. I will select the winners with a random number generator using
  • Winners must provide a US or Canadian mailing address. No PO Boxes.
I am hosting another Hachette giveaway in the post immediately before this one. Anyone is welcome to enter both.

21 tell me a story:

Jennifer C. 11/12/2008 3:56 AM  

I would love to win this book. Please enter me in the contest.

Crystal Adkins 11/12/2008 5:56 AM  

I'd love to win! Please enter me and have a great week!

Susan Helene Gottfried 11/12/2008 8:19 AM  

Once again, no need to enter me, darling. I'm just dropping in to say thanks for the e-mail. I've got this posted over at Win a Book for you.

Me... 11/12/2008 8:32 AM  

I'd love to read this! Thanks for the opportunity!

daq_17 at hotmail dot com

Unknown 11/12/2008 8:56 AM  

This sounds like a good adventure book with a big of mystery finding out what the price to pay to win is! I'd love to be entered. thank you.

unforgetable_dreamer_always AT hotmail DOT com

Sara 11/12/2008 9:08 AM  

I'd love to win this one. Please enter me. Thanks! Sararush at hotmail dot com
blogged about it here:

Gwendolyn B. 11/12/2008 9:52 AM  

I'm really eager to read this book. Please enter me. Thanks for the chance!

geebee.reads AT gmail DOT com

Carol M 11/12/2008 10:25 AM  

This sounds interesting. Thank you for the chance to win it!
Carol M
mittens0831 AT

Anonymous,  11/12/2008 11:39 AM  

I'd love to win this one. It sounds really interesting.

djecse at yahoo dot com

Carol's Notebook

a real librarian 11/12/2008 12:26 PM  

I'd love to read this! Thanks for the chance to win!

Jo-Jo 11/12/2008 2:22 PM  

I would love a chance to win this one...please enter me.

cpullum 11/12/2008 2:28 PM  

I would love to be entered in this drawing! Looks like a great book!


BusyMom 11/18/2008 12:13 PM  

I'd like a chance to win this too!!

Jamie 11/20/2008 5:31 PM  

Love a chance to win this also, jjhbeautiful at hotmail dot com.

Karin 11/21/2008 5:19 PM  

I would love to enter--thank you.

karin56381 (at) gmail (dot) com

donnas 11/21/2008 9:02 PM  

Please enter me. It sounds really good.


Anonymous,  11/26/2008 9:45 AM  

This book has just been added tomy TBR list. It sounds so good

Anonymous,  11/26/2008 1:55 PM  

please enter me in the contest!

datwater88 @

Anonymous,  11/26/2008 2:40 PM  

I'd love to win this book! :)

Cricket4JC AT hotmail DOT com

Anonymous,  12/02/2008 8:06 AM  

Please enter me in the contest to win this book!! Sounds like a great read!! Thank you!!

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