It's Monday, What Are You Reading? #7
Since last Monday (actually since Friday evening as I was watching DVD from Sunday thru Thursday and then had Dr appointment Friday afternoon) I have.
I regret I still have no new reviews to report. Have in fact not even worked on any since last Monday.
Begun and finished:
Emergence : labeled autistic
The way I see it : a personal look at autism & Asperger's both by Temple Grandin. The first a memoir and the second a collection of short articles on issues related to the Autism Spectrum.
Lori Lansens The Girls (at noon today after spending all night reading) Too late to return it and avoid the fine so I guess I was renting it since midnight Friday.
Advanced Bookmarks:
Losing my religion : how I lost my faith reporting on religion in America--and found unexpected peace / William Lobdellby (this had to go back to library this morning unfinished)
The value of nothing : how to reshape market society and redefine democracy by Raj Patel
Braids : 250 patterns from Japan, Peru & beyond / Rodrick Owen (had to return this. soooo want my own copy. Even after having it checked out about four times in the last year I've not done more than gaze wistfully at the beautiful pics of braids and read the directions. Have yet to make a card and try to follow the directions)
My ebook copy of Remembrance of Things Past [At least Swann's Way for the Gilmore Girl Challenge]
For the coming week:
Will continue advancing bookmarks in the Patel and Swann's Way listed above.
And also:
Homer's odyssey : a fearless feline tale, or how I learned about love and life with a blind wonder cat [type (large print)] / Gwen Cooper.449 p. (large print) I love cats and I'm legally blind myself so how could I resist this when I pulled it off the shelf 6 weeks ago. (once I start this I'll probably finish it within a couple days, treating it more like a novel than NF, as it's a story and looks like a fast read and the large print is easy on my eyes)
Girl, interrupted [text (large print)] / Susanna Kaysen. 207 p. Yes, I've seen the movie. Several years ago. Had not realized that it was based on a memoir. This too will read more like a story than NF and it's short and LP.
The family : the secret fundamentalism at the heart of American power / Jeff Sharlet. (may target this to finish this week)
Patience with God : faith for people who don't like religion (or atheism) / by Frank Schaeffer
Resurrecting Eve : women of faith challenge the fundamentalist agenda / Roberta Pughe, Paula Anema Sohl (may target this to finish this week)Proust was a neuroscientist by Jonah Lehrer
James, the brother of Jesus : the key to unlocking the secrets of early Christianity and the Dead Sea Scrolls / Robert Eisenman. (a 1000+ page book which I was once half way thru but now must restart as it has been years since I sent for this)
Myths and legends of the Pacific Northwest / selected by Katharine Berry Judson ;144 p. Have loved the myth and legend and fairy tail story forms since before I was able to read them for myself. But this is also related to research for one of my characters.
John Adams [text (large print)] / David McCullough. 1123 p. (large print) Having recently watched the HBO mini-series based on this I hope to at least start it this week.
And I will pick one of these novels to begin and if under 300p also finish:
The Good man Jesus and the scoundrel Christ by Pullman, Philip 245 p.
The book thief [text (large print)] by Zusak, Markus 757 p.
The red tent [text (large print)] by Diamant, Anita 424 p.
A gate at the stairs / by Lorrie Moore 517p large print
Anagrams : a novel / Lorrie Moore 225 p.
The blessing stone / Barbara Wood 450 p. Started this one the first time I had it checked out last April didn't finish in time. Really hate to have a story interrupted like that but it helps that it is a series of shorter stories following a meteorite stone through thousands of years of earth and human history. I had read the first one. The second one starts on page 41
The evolution of shadows / Jason Quinn Malott.253 p. (short novel and looks fast paced so should finish quickly once started)
Lost : a novel / Alice Lichtenstein. 242p No, not remotely connected to the ABC series. An Alziemer's inflicted man wanders off.
Having trouble choosing as I probably have time for only another 700-1000 pages of novel before leaving town July 11 and do not want to be in the middle of a story that day unless it is one I can also get at the Longview library. The first four are in the Longview collection but some have queues or cannot be held none have the large print option and that first one especially I'm not sure I should be checking out on my sister's card and if I got past those qualms I know I couldn't flaunt that cover around my Mom. It would be unkind.
Besides there are a number of NF books I was in the middle of there last year and this past January that I can't get here.
One of the options I'm considering for fiction for these four to six weeks away is to take my nieces Twilight series which she loaned to me last Thanksgiving. Along with several of the YA she loaned me in 2007!
As for DVD stories...
Since last Monday I have watched:
West Wing seasons 2 & 3
Bones season 2 discs 3 & 4
Up in the Air
Monster Ball
Patti Smith: dream of life
I must watch by next Monday dawn:
West Wing season 4
Band of Brothers HBO mini-series. (May decide to pass on this one and send for it again when the queue is shorter. If only it hadn't arrived the same week as West Wing 4 and besides West Wing 5 will be arriving this week. Yeah, I'm hooked but good on The West Wing and a bit anxious I won't get all 7 watched before I have to leave town on July 11)
Curb Your Enthusiasm season 1 (An HBO sitcom by co-creator of Seinfeld. may take a pass on this one too. On the other hand I could sure use a good laugh so may watch one or two episodes just to see what the fuss is about but good chance it's not my brand of humor anyway)
Watchmen (picked by my husband so will only watch if he makes time to watch)
2 tell me a story:
I would recommend The book Thief, I read it last year and really enjoyed it. As I look at your list here, I think you will too.
Have a great week!
If you're interested in James, the brother of Jesus, may I also suggest my own work of historical fiction entitled "A Wretched Man, a novel of Paul the apostle." This edgy characterization of Paul highlights the conflict between Paul and James for the heart and soul of the emerging Jesus movement. Recently released to critical acclaim. Sorry for the blatant self-promotion. More info available at
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