Thursday Thirteen #117: Jumble III
Thursday Thirteen or Jumble III
Thirteen Things I Found During Wednesday's Room Reorganization
- My squeezable dolphin desk toy that I use to exercise my hands when typing fatigue sets in.
- My dolphin bracelet
- My disc man ear buds
- A piece broken off of a Hershy candy bar with a small bite taken off the end. Found on the floor, it probably had fallen off my desk recently. It was unsalvageable, being coated in carpet fuzzies and worse.
- A special magnetic bookmark that had been a Christmas present several years ago. It has a blue enamel front with a white flower on it. I should take a picture of it to post.
- Another special book mark with three cats pictured on it--a thinking-of-you gift from my MIL, picked up on one of their coast trips at a cat themed store
- A dollar bill in the bottom of a shoe box that had been serving as a drawer on a shelf near my desk that held various note taking and storing items and had become a bit of a clutter collector for small stuff i.e. paper clips, pennies, a flag pin
- a CD of a Caroline Myss lecture which my sister-friend Jamie gave me on my visit to Washington last December. This is like the third time I lost track of it.
- a Naproxin tablet floating in a tiny tray of paper clips
- A tiny photo of my nephew at 1yr. (he's fifteen now)
- Several unopened green tea foils--Moroccan mint, pomegranate, ginger
- The two pieces of a wooden tray that had come unglued in early fall and which I'd put in a 'safe' place--one was part of the handle and the other a slat off the side. This tray was part of the presentation of a collection of bath aids that was a Christmas present a few years ago. It is probably not meant to be functional but I thought it was cute. And one must admit it is a lot cuter than the plethora of shoeboxes and mailing boxes and other product boxes that I have collected for use as drawers and shelves and containers.
- Speaking of hoarded boxes. I was pulling the bubble wrap out of the box which the mug I won in last June's 24 hour read-a-thon had been shipped in from Cafepress when I spotted in the bottom a small card which I had not noticed when I unpacked the mug. It turned out to enclose the receipt on which was a message: Thanks for participating in the read-a-thon! Dewey. A very poignant find.
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It's easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
1 tell me a story:
I love it when I find things I forgot all about while cleaning.
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