For All Intents and Purposes: ROW80 2014 Round 2 Goals
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A Round of Words in 80 Days
Round 2 2014
The writing challenge that
knows you have a life |
Ed has flipped the priorities from the projects to the time-management and self-management issues. Opposite to the way I've always looked at it. He is going to work with me on project management as well but not until I have the top six on the self-manage list in place.
Tho in a way he has already begun because he worked with me on setting up my Bloggiesta goals and Camp NaNo goals last weekend. The self-manage goals plus the Camp NaNo goals combined become the foundation of ROW80 Round 2.
ROW80 Round 2 Self-Manage Priorities:
Ed says these have to be in place and on autopilot to support everything else. So that's my goal for Round 2--that by the end the routines are in place and the habits formed for:
- - TIME MANAGEMENT -- establish a structure to my days that supports the following five and makes room for the writing goals
- - MEDS
ROW80 Round 2 Writing Goals:
April Camp NaNo Goals:
- A structural rewrite and several edit passes through my 6K word short story, Blow Me a Candy Kiss, to prep it for self-pub.
- And adding material to the story file for another story or stories involving the same characters as working with the draft reminds me of past plans or triggers new ideas.
Creating the ebook formats for self-publishing Candy Kiss.
Publishing Candy Kiss.
Continuing to develop the material for more stories with Greg and Iris.
Will be whatever I settle on for my JuNoWriMo goals. Possibly continuing to work with Gregg and Iris' stories. Especially if I have a second one nearly complete in rough draft.. But I'm not holding myself to it at this point. There is also the Book Review Back Log concept. Or the AWAI copywriting course exercises.
You can follow the coaching story through these posts:
- Report Card the full priorities list
- 150th ROW80 Check-In see top check-in under spread sheet or skip this and see top 2 in #151
- One Big, Bad Want an on theme quote on and LOLcat with musings
- Getting Kitted Out shopping for items to facilitate the self-care goals
- 151st ROW80 Check-In
- Oops! I Mismanaged My Time Again! where I learn 'caught up' is not a synonym for 'plenty of time for goofing off.
- Friday Forays in Fiction: Spring Challenges setting goals for five spring challenges using Ed's principles
- I Tried It My Way where I share the list of personal challenges that created the need for a coach. This is second in a series. The first is in ROW80 #151 check-in. Future ones will take several of the items one by one and describe the full impact it has on my life and how it interacts with the other challenges.
- April Camp NaNo First Day title says it all. Almost. I also expanded the goals stated in the Spring Challenges post.
- Turning Up the Heat Under My Feet in which I confess I'd slid of the wagon and things were falling apart again.
- Friday Forays in Fiction: Camp NaNo Reconsiderations another revisement of goals. This time to step them back and shift emphasis
I made that linked list mostly for my own convenience as I'm tired of scrolling down the all posts list looking for the one I need to link to in the latest episode.
These posts are helping me define the problem so I can establish where I stand, develop hypothesis for possible solutions, and revise goals as trial and error reveal what works and what doesn't.
As I continue posting about it both inside and outside the ROW80 check-ins it helps hold me accountable, give me a sense of not being alone and a record of the journey I can look back over as the months pass and review my progress.
I welcome any suggestions from anybody regarding solutions to similar problems with time management that have worked for them.
2 tell me a story:
Your goals sound like just what you need, and I love that you have structure and coach to support you as you rebuild your life.
I'm rooting for you, long-distance. <3
Joy, it sounds like you're struggling with many of the same things I am -- goals that bear no resemblance to reality, feelings of being disorganized and unmotivated in comparison to others, and on and on. You're not alone...sending you luck and good thoughts for this journey!
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