Smiley Turtle |
This is the crocheted turtle I made for my sister's birthday. It was begun for Christmas. I had the two African Flower motifs and the head crocheted by early December but then stopped work on it to focus on a large sweater I was making for her. Then I could't finish the sweater because I ran out of yarn and the colorway was out of stock for months. I also had a scarf in the works at Christmas and thought it was done all but the finishing touches but when I picked it up earlier this week I discovered I'd accidentally decreased a whole mesh section half way through and had to undo and redo that half. Now I'm having trouble with getting the fringe even because of my visual issues and I may have to go ahead and give it to her with ragged looking fringe so she can trim it even herself.
Swimming Turtle |
That left me with the turtle as the only item far enough along with hope of finishing in time. I had been estimating a solid four to six hour day. It took three six to eight hour days. It was all the fiddly tasks needing 4X reading glasses and the frequent breaks due to eye strain.
This was made with size 10 cotton crochet thread with five colors counting the green for the head and extremities. I'd done the motifs in four colors so that left eight tails each needing tucking and then the two motifs needed sewing together and stuffed and the opening for the stuffing sewed. Then the head stuffed and sewn on. Then the tail and feet each crocheted, stuffed and sewn on and each of them took multiple tries as I kept loosing count and having to take it out to the end of row 1. Then the button eyes needed to be sewn on and then the smile. And more tails to tuck! My least favorite task in crochet. After I got the smile on I discovered I'd put it on what was supposed to be the top of his head. Sigh. No way was I going to take it out and do it over. Not at 2AM.
To give you an idea how small he is, his head is about the size of my thumb.
Hat Tip to
Jayda In Stitches for the
pattern and tutorial. Tho she did hers with size 4 worsted yarn.
Log Cabin Afghan |
The Log Cabin Afghan I made for my nephew whose birthday was Monday. The colors are Burgundy, Forest Green and White in Caron Simply Soft. Below is a close up of the braided loop border that I 'invented'. I put that in quotes because I don't know for sure it's not in anybody else's repertoire or pattern books it's just something I came up with back when I was still doing only bookmarks. I do it with two rows of six chain loops staggered around the edge with the single crochet's of the second color done in the blank stitches between the ends of the first color. Then I take a very large hook (K or bigger) and pull the second loop through the first and the third through the second and so on around.
For the last several rows and the edging I had to sit on my bed to work as the weight of it was pulling it off my lap or just messing with my tension.
But at least I finished this one ahead of schedule--in the wee hours of the 1st. Leaving what I thought was plenty of time to finish the three items for my sister's birthday yesterday. But between the sort project, Mom's excursions to ER, eye fatigue and my typical miscalculation of how long a task is likely to take, I ended up with only one finished tho a second one is very close.
Braided Loops Edging |
So these birthday projects are part of the explanation for why I had such a poor showing on my ROW80 and Camp NaNo goals but only part. There was also the major sort project I started Friday the 3rd the day Mom left to spend ten days at my brother's. That gave me the chance to spread my sort project out on her bed without needing to have it put away by Sunday afternoon. I worked hard on it right through Tuesday. See bottom section for pic and details.
hen Wednesday I had the restart issue discussed in
that ROW80 check-in and added to that was the news Mom was exhibiting signs of a stroke and they were taking her to the ER. We were relieved when they did not find evidence of a fresh stroke only the damage from the 2008 stroke. Then Thursday I started work on the scarf for my sister, discovered the issues with it got to the point where I gave up fussing with the fringe and picked up the turtle kit. That became my near total focus for two full days and I was just getting my head back into it Saturday afternoon when news came that my brother was returning to the ER with Mom as her condition was worsening. She was unable to get out of bed without help that morning.
So my attention was split between the turtle project and messaging back and forth with my sister who was at the beach with girlfriends and who was messaging and phoning back and forth with our brother all afternoon and into the late evening when they decided to keep Mom overnight for an MRI as the CAT scan was still showing no evidence of a stroke but the symptoms were still screaming STROKE. So the Doc was thinking the new damage might be masked by the old damage and an MRI might give them a better picture. So they checked her in that evening and actually did the MRI before bedtime and by 9pm I knew there would be no further messages before morning so I could focus on the turtle again. I finished it at 2AM. The second night in a row that I fudged my new bedtime by several hours. I do not fudge the wake up tho as it is important not to let the wake up time creep or the bedtime cannot reestablish itself and the endless feedback loop will bring all my recent health and well being accomplishments crashing back down around my head.
I was already noticing the evidence of sleep deprivation yesterday afternoon: rising anxiety, impulsiveness, poor judgement, memory deficit, focus deficit, mood dives, impatience, scattered thoughts, silly mistakes. So I'm determined to get myself in bed by sundown even though I won't get to address any of the writing goals today. Efforts would be sub par anyway. I may get to do some of the read/study goals if I lay down soon enough.
Tho I suppose I could count this post as it is enough like the journaling concept to make no difference.
At least I won't have to clear Mom's bed off as I had been anticipating all week. She was supposed to come home this evening according to the original plan before the ER visits. But that is a blessing I could do without. Late this afternoon the doctor confirmed she has had another stroke in the same location as before and they are going to keep her for a couple more days and then probably rehab. If they are unable to help her regain what she has lost this time everything is going to change here and I'll probably have to re-calibrate my goals. She is currently unable to get herself out of bed or dress herself. And it takes her two minutes to answer the question 'Are you too warm' with 'I - I - I - I --- think --- so.
The writing challenge that knows you have a life
2020 Round 3 ROW80 and July Camp NaNo goals check-in:
* Sleep 7.5 hours Daily Minimum -- Unsatisfactory
* Move/Breathe/Meditate 15 min Daily minimum -- Satisfactory effort
* Storydreaming with note-taking tools at hand. 15 min Daily MInimum -- This is a technique I learned from Robert Olen Butler in the book From Where You Dream. -- Unsatisfactory
* Read Fiction 30 min Daily Average -- Above and beyond
* Read/Study Craft 15 min Daily Average -- Above and beyond
* Social network activities 30 min Daily Minimum (writing Joystory posts doesn't count only social reaching out like reading/commenting on other blogs, guest posts and posting to fb, twitter, pinterest etc) -- something I've a strong resistance to. -- Above and beyond
* 30 min Daily minimum engagement with a scavenger hunt though all my creative writing files including Joystory looking for better than shitty first draft scenes, sections, stories, poems and essays and edit, organize and make hard copies. -- Unsatisfactory
* To prep for self-pub: Gather all my poems into a single Scrivener file. Minimum one poem per day until all accounted for. Adding new ones encouraged. -- Unsatisfactory
* Personal Journaling 45 min or 1000 words whichever come first Daily Minimum -- This is the heart of the writing challenge. The preceding provides the structure and the nutrients that nurtures and honors the work which I've learned over time must exist to ensure that this becomes more than just dabbling. -- Unsatisfactory
Sorta Sorted |
This is the sort project on Mom's bed as of this evening. It represents huge progress since the 3rd but also since New Years. This week I passed a major milestone in having sorted though every jumbled box, bag, drawer, cupboard, nook, cranny, closet in my areas of control in the upstairs rooms. Now, with similar and alike stuff all gathered into one place I can take those bags and boxes and do fine tune sorts of individual categories which will seldom require spreading out on Mom's bed for more than a few hours if at all. The final step after individual categories are sorted is to calibrate the size of each group of items' home base and designate the location and any necessary container.
At that point a lot of the items I'm holding onto for now can also go away as they are either containers for sorting into and out of or prospective home containers for items or project kits. Some of that is already happening as I progress. Most of that pile of boxes seen in the right edge of that picture is already redundant.
I still need to do the same for the stuff in the garage and the stuff in the basement. The garage will be easy as it is all stuff that was sorted and packed in preparation for the hoped-for return to the Rogue Valley to rejoin Ed which morphed into the hope to join him in his new apartment across the river but that's not going to happen and now I need to go through it all to separate His and Hers and repack. The basement area was the sort project I abandoned when Ed moved up here in 2016 and I'd already removed to the garage most of the useful household items and what remained were items most see as garbage but I saw promise for upcycle craft projects. Or as tools for the sort project itself. With the practice I've had at letting go of stuff these past few months that shouldn't take long to complete.
I'm getting better and better at letting go. The sort project has become my therapy as it is helping me sort my mental and emotional stuff as I sort my physical objects. And it is giving me something to OCD on to replace the tendency to OCD on Ed. I've nearly broken the habit of keeping a running narrative in my head of all the things I plan to share with him in our next chat. I've nearly reached peace with the understanding there will be no more 'chats' no more casual sharing of thoughts and emotions, pitfalls and triumphs. Future communication will be utilitarian for the purpose of separating our respective belongings and proceeding with the legal divorce.
For an explanation and links to backstory see the ROW80/Camp NaNo Goals post.