Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Thursday Thirteen #76

Thirteen (plus) Pictures of Our Brand New Library

1. View of the front. Can you see the balloons? This was the grand opening party on February 9th.

2. Strollers, wagons, bicycles, scooters and skateboards parked by the front doors. The little red wagon is parked under the drop boxes. There are now separate ones for books and audio/visual media.

3. The front door. Can you see the reflection of the photographer? I almost didn't recognize myself as it slimed me down by over fifty pounds.

This pic was taken last week hence the absence of the stroller and wagon under the drop boxes.

4. In the foyer the day of the grand opening. The greeters table for signing the guest book isn't there on regular days.

There are entrances to meeting rooms to either side of that large bulletin board. I think it is two separate rooms but it is possible they can be opened up into one large one. I haven't been inside them yet.

5. The door to the meeting room just to the left of the doors into the main room of the library.

I had a picture of the doors into the library but I must have forgot to prepare it for posting.

6. Just inside the doors to the main room. These are the shelves where requests are held. They keep the fronts and spines of the items obscured by setting them spine down to protect patron's privacy. There is a slip of paper with your name sticking out and items are shelve alphabetically by the patron's last name.

These are the shelves where most of my library business is conducted as I send for materials from the other 14 branches just about weekly.

7. This is the Friend's of the Library shelf where donated items and items the library system is finished with are sold. I only got half of the shelf in the shot because I was trying to make the sculpture of the word 'Friends' and the price sign readable. You see one and a half three shelf sections and there are four total.

8. This is the self-checkout computer. I love using it but it won't let you unless you have zero fines even though the library policy is to allow you to accumulate $10 in fines before your check-out privileges are suspended.

I try really hard but with juggling so many items and so many due dates I am bound to slip up. So I may not get to use this very often.

9. The checkout desk. Taken the day of the grand opening. The crowd is not typical.

10. The office. I took this through a window and you can see the checkout desk through the other set of windows. I am amazed how it turned out as I remember thinking it probably would be full of flash glare and reflections.

11. The next three pics are from the children's area.

Book worm.

Dragon puppet with a book displayed by it titled How to Train Your Dragon.

12. The lounge area with fireplace. It is right next to the magazine and newspaper racks which I somehow forgot to get shots of both times I took the camera.

A close up of that row of books on the mantle. It is a bronze sculpture!

13. Off to the left of the lounge chairs is the Young Adult collection and the Teen Computer table. There are two computers on the table and room for two more on the other side. Or two more teens. :) I had more shots of this area but I had to make some tough choices. Even so I wasn't able to keep it to 13 as you can see.

There were also two more computer stations--one for children and one for adults--over in front of the checkout counter which I also left out.

To orient you, panning to the right would aim the camera into the office windows and then the checkout station.

Ummm. Wonder if that was planned?

To the left of the fireplace is the entrance to the study room where students can work in silence or groups working together on projects can talk without disturbing other patrons.

14. The right side of the adult stacks just to the left of the study room. That is Ed's elbow sticking out back there.

15. The right side of the stacks with reading and study tables by the windows looking out on the grove and the veranda where I hear they are planning to have chairs when the weather improves.

16. The catalog computer where you can browse the entire system and put your order in for books from any of the 15 branches.

The desk I'm hoping to claim on the days I take my laptop as there is a plug-in nearby. Only problem is I may not be able to see the screen with so much sunlight.

I don't know why that is as I've seen other laptop screens that were readable outdoors or near windows but the only way I can use mine outside is to put it inside a box and my head with it. Takes all the pleasure out out of being outdoors with it in the first place.

Now that was a bit off topic. But, oh well.

Just had to get that shot of the plug in and then just had to include it here in spite of going waaaaaaay past 13. Speaks to how excited I am that there might be someplace other than this cramped room or the living room in the wee hours where I can work.

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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It's easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

8 tell me a story:

Coco 3/06/2008 1:54 AM  

Beautiful library! I especially love the dragon display. Cool...

Anonymous,  3/06/2008 6:19 AM  

Oh my goodness! So beautiful! I would so be in that lounge area in front of the fireplace with a good suspense novel. Great pics. Have fun in that wonderful library!

Cindy 3/06/2008 6:25 AM  

That is a beautiful library. Lots of light! I think the self check out computer is especially cool...and I'm a sucker for the dragon puppet.

Anonymous,  3/06/2008 6:30 AM  

What a beautiful looking library! So cozy looking! I'm jealous. Ours has that dim, musty atmosphere no matter how hard it tries...

Happy TT!

Susan Helene Gottfried 3/06/2008 7:54 AM  

Looks great! Our library renovated a few years back and I only got to see it recently, as they moved the main doors downstairs -- where the children's room is. It's a great place to hang out in.

Good thing; we spend a lot of time there.

Anonymous,  3/06/2008 5:19 PM  

Great photos. Libraries are wonderful places.

Ann 3/06/2008 7:38 PM  

Great photos, the only thing I'd change is make it so you couldn't have taken the photo of the inside of the office, give the staff a place to get away from the public (says someone who has to write yearly evaluations in the same room that the staff work in). It looks like we'll be doing this sometime in the near future.

Anonymous,  3/07/2008 4:55 AM  

nice photos.

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