Thursday, March 23, 2006

Breaking the Ice

The longer I go without posting, the harder it gets. It's not that I have nothing to say, it's rather that I have too much to say on too many different things. But I'm having trouble staying focused on anything long enough to compose my thoughts let alone coherent sentences. Forget paragraphs. The excuses for not posting have been myriad--a series of migraine headaches, serious eyestrain, pressing library due dates, a cold snap with night temps in the twenties which made typing masochistic and an exercise in futility, toothaches that rival migraines for pain intensity, sinus headaches ditto, a drastic cutback in my husband's work hours which not only creates anxiety about money but reduces my access to privacy for thinking, writing and the day-sleeping that makes my online night session possible. Yes, myriad. But the one factor that gave all these irritants the power to freeze me up when similar events have not even slowed me down at other times is the seriously blue funk I've been in for well over a month now. I'm hoping it is just the winter blues and I will snap out of it as the days lengthen. Meanwhile, I hope this brief babble will serve as an icebreaker that will make it easier to babble again. Sooner rather than later.

1 tell me a story:

Jamie 3/24/2006 6:54 AM  

That wasn't so bad, Joy.... Good title for it, "Breaking The Ice". I look forward to reading more.

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